Calculation Algorithm
I have been working on the calculation algorithms. There are two changes:
- I have found a minor flaw in the 'live' flutomat code on Pete Kosel's website.
The flaw does not lead to significant differences in the hole
placements until the holes get large relative to the tube bore, or the
tube wall thickness gets large. Even then the differences are small.
The correct algorithm is, however, easier to implement so you will see
a 'corrected flutomat' calculator in the list.
- I have created a
mechanism by which the user can control certain features of the active
calculator. Calculation algorithms are as much an art as a science,
and there are various 'fudge factors' used. The intention is for
algorithm implementors (only me so far) to expose some of the variables
to easy change. This feature uses dialogues, and so will only be seen
in the stand-alone version (not the applet version above).