Select the notes
Base Note
A whistle is mainly defined in terms of its 'base note'. This
traditionally is the lowest note produced -the note that will sound
when you close all the holes in your
whistle. It is sometimes called the 'bell note'. It is also
usually the note that gives its name to the whistle, though some
whistles will produce notes below the base note (musicians dislike
The base note is define by name and its frequency is always looked up
from the underlying 12TET scale. So if you change he underlying
scale (reset the frequency) then the base note frequency will change
(and so will all the other notes on the whistle).
Scale Pattern
A scale pattern defines the relationship between the base note
frequency and each note the whistle can produce.
A scale pattern contains a series of terms, one for each note on the
whistle. In fact the number of terms defines the number of notes
on the whistle. When counting the number of notes, the note
emitted when all finger holes are closed is also counted. So a
whistle with six finger holes (the 'normal' number) has seven defined
notes, and so seven terms in the scale pattern.
The scale pattern definess the 'scale notes' on the whistle. Each
hole on the whistle produces a scale note - even the one that is also
producing the base note. Scale notes depend upon the base note of
the whistle, and will change when the base note changes. The name
of each scale note is defined by its frequency. So the name is
assigned to the 12TET note in the underlying scale which has the
closest frequency. This can result in the name of a scale note
changing as its calculation changes (this will only happen in non-ET
tunings). All scale patterns must give notes that are in
ascending order, with the lowest first.
Scale pattern terms work in one of two main ways, Equal Temperament or
Base Frequency Ratio.
Equal Temperament
You can specify the note coming from a tone hole in terms of the
number of 'equal temperament' semitones above or below the base note. A note two
semitones above the base note is defined as '2S' (case sensitive - use
an uppercase S). A note two tones below the base note is defined
as '-2S'. The base note itself is defined as 0S. For the
technically minded the ratio applied to get a note defined
as xS is 2 ^ (x/12).
As an example, a Major Scale is defined in ET as
And a 'Just Intoned' whistle could be defined as '0S, 2.04S, 3.86S,
4.98S, 7.02S, 8.84S, 10.88S'.
Base Frequency
Specifying the frequency by base ratio allows greater flexibility and
matches more closely the way some instrument think. What is
defined is simple a multiplier of the base frequency, by a mathematical
term and the letter 'B'. The mathematical term may be
a decimal number or a ratio (fraction). Fractions are very
common in the non-ET world.
The base frequency itself is 1B, or 1/1B or even (if you want to be
obscure) 237/237B.
A just Intoned whistle might be define as: '1B, 9/8B, 5/4B, 4/3B, 3/2B,
5/3B, 15/8B'.
Whistles with notes lower than the base note
Sometimes a whistle is desired where the lowest note is not the base
note. These are sometimes known as '6+1' whistles of BLF (bottom little
finger). An extra hole is drilled for the bottom little finger to
sound the base note, so that when all finger holes are closed there is
one note below the base note. To use our examples this scale
pattern could be defined as:
Major Scale in ET '-2S, 0S,2S,4S,5S,7S,9S,11S'.
Just Intoned: '-2.04S, 0S, 2.04S, 3.86S, 4.98S, 7.02S, 8.84S,
10.88S' or '8/9B,
1B, 9/8B, 5/4B, 4/3B, 3/2B, 5/3B, 15/8B'.
Notes for thumb-holes
A common modification for whistles is to add a thumb-hole for the top
hand. This allows an extra note, but changes the pattern of
fingering and so need a slightly different way of calculating the
position of the hole. To indicate a thumb hole, an asterisk ('*')
is added to the end of the scale pattern term.
This version has the ability to calculate a 'thumb
hole'. This is where an extra hole is added that allows a strong distictly fingered Cnat
(as well as a C#) on a D whistle. The coding is a little 'special
case' as the Cnat hole (hole 6) is kept closed while sounding C# (hole
7), but the C# hole is kept closed while sounding Cnat. This breaks the pattern of all holes open below the highest
open hole, which means that the standard calculation algorithm needed
To try the new feature, select the new Scale Pattern 'Major Plus' from
the scale pattern drop down. You may need to adjust hole sizes to
get reasonable values.
Built In Scale Patterns
Whistle Calculator has several built in scales. Mostly these will be
recognisable to whistlers. There is one that is special for
whistles, and this is called 'Major Plus'.
'Major Plus' Scale Pattern
This scale pattern is designed to allow the addition of an extra closed
by the thumb of the top hand. This extra hole allows for a clear
and strong note (C natural on a D whistle).The pattern differs from the
standard format by having an asterix (*)
indicating that the thumb-hole is not operated in the normal whistle
Defining your own Scale Pattern
You can define your own scale patterns for use in TWJCalc. You
can use the built in Scale Pattern Editor to edit, load, and save Scale
Patterns. You
can only do this in the stand-alone version of the program. If
you create a scale pattern with the same name as an existing scale
pattern it will replace the existing one. If you save a whistle
specification that uses a scale pattern that you have created, the
scale pattern will be saved in the specification file.
A scale pattern is stored in a file with the .spn suffix. The
contents are XML, and you can manualy edit the file yourself. Here is how a major scale pattern would
look in a file:
<TWJCalc Version="2.00">
Note that the white space (new lines, and indentation) is not part of
the xml, but an aid to reading the file. It is quite likely that
the files produced by Whistle Calculator will look more 'dense' than this.
Having defined your scale pattern, run Whistle Calculator and use the Scale Pattern Editor to load the
scale pattern. Then use the file selector to choose the
file. If you have been successful the new pattern name will
appear in the scale patterns list, and you can select it as usual.