Using TWJCalc
Run TWJCalc: TWJCalc can be run in either of two modes - as an applet embedded in a web page, or as a stand-alone Java application.
Select the notes: You can select
the notes that the holes in the whistle make. You are not
limited to a major scale, or a particular temperament.
Some basic dimensions: Define the size of the pipe you will use, ansd the size of the window.
Choose your calculation: There are several algorithms/variants that you
can choose between, and you can choose to measure in imperial or metric
Choose your hole size: You can specify the size for each hole, and even offset the holes from the centre line.
Examine your whistle: Your whistle appears at the bottom of the page. You can zoom, and rotate it should you wish.
Play your whistle: I wish. If anyone could code this little bit for me I would be very grateful.
Note About File Format
Files are saved as a primitive form of XML using my own xml
parser/unparser code. This dates back to the good old days when
xml was simpler (even before there was an official parser/unparser, yes
I am that old!). Eventually I will get round to using the
standard technology, if only just to reduce the jar size
somewhat. If you edit the files by hand, be aware that spaces are
allowed in places that the XML spec bans them (element attribute names
and values). My parser does not recognize   (or similar
escape codes) as special. My parser does not understand the text
between tags which is a bit of an inversion, since tags are meant to
decorate rather than replace the data.